Wednesday, 29 May 2019



Now almost all the hypotheses that have dominated modern philosophy were first thought of by the Greeks; their imaginative inventiveness in abstract matters can hardly be too highly praised,” said Bertrand Russell. Russell acknowledged that some of these theories, in their early days, were “somewhat infantile” – nevertheless philosophers have developed and refined them. 

These theories gained influence over the last two thousand years, and we still feel their influence today. You will be stunned at how their work has filtered through to modern times. You will recognise modern thinking in their thought and ideas that sometimes seem crazy, and at other times, incredibly perceptive and far ahead of their time. 

Most of these early philosophers are men but that's not because women were inactive - as we know stories about the work and lives of the few fortunate enough to access education were not always preserved for posterity. I have, however, included an amazing woman, Aspasia, who was a rhetorician, a philosopher, a politician and a teacher, and who spent time debating with than Socrates and Plato. You can find more great women in my other book, Eighteen Amazing Women Philosophers. But those ancient male thinkers were pretty smart too!

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Ghost of the Old Grey Nun in the Sergeants' Mess

Ghost of the Old Grey Nun in the Sergeants' Mess

Copyright Janet Cameron

A phantom nun from an ancient burial place terrifies the tough soldiers in the Drill Hall next door.

An article in the Brighton & Hove Gazette dated 21 May, 1949 tells the story of a strange paranormal vision emanating from the churchyard of St. Nicholas Church. The writer's name did not appear on the article; possibly they preferred to remain anonymous.
The incident happened in the Sergeants' Mess at Queen's Hall Square at the Drill Hall, and the article was aptly entitled: "Ghosts in a Mess."
While in the mess, the writer heard someone chanting: "Don't hang about or the old grey nun will get you." He asked the RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major) who the old grey nun was, and his colleague took him to talk to sixty-three-year-old Sergeant Welfare in the billiards room. Welfare threw open the windows, revealing below the graveyard of St. Nicholas church next door. This place of burial dates from Saxon times, and all the gravestones, where monks and nuns had been buried centuries before, looked eerie in the moonlight.
Sinister Experiences
"There was a saying in the mess, before my time, about the old grey nun," Welfare said. "There have been stories. One night I was working too late to go home, so I slept in the billiards room. Something woke me up in a fright. It felt like a cold, clammy hand touching my face. There was something uncanny about it."
Gravely, the sergeant continued with his story, explaining how, about two years ago, he was back from Germany, having spent a month in hospital recovering from his wounds. While in the Drill Hall workshop, late at night, he had a sudden peculiar feeling. The atmosphere became cold and clammy and something - he wasn't sure what - made him feel uneasy. Then, every door in the long passageway opened and closed as though some phantom presence was passing through. But - there was no human being present.
Sergeant Welfare decided to get out of the building immediately. But this was not the end of his ordeal, because in the passageway he fell over a life and force pump. This had clearly been moved by some unforeseen force, as he remembered it being stacked close to the wall when he walked down the passage to the workshop. No human agency had moved it - so what had? Sergeant Welfare was confused and scared.
"I am not superstitious," he said, "but I have not worked in that place since."
·      "Ghosts in a Mess", Staff Writer, Brighton & Hove Gazette, 21 May 1949.
·      Adapted from: Cameron, Janet, Paranormal Brighton and Hove, Amberley Publishing, 2019.